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This volume presents the unclassified activities and accomplishments of the Inertial Confinement Fusion and Advanced Laser Development elements of the Laser Program at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory for the calendar year 1985. Sections 2 through 7 provide the detailed information on the various major parts of the Program: Laser Systems and Operations, Target Design, Target Fabrication, Fusion Experiments, Laser Research and Development, and Energy Applications. Section 1 is an overview and highlights the important accomplishments and directions of the Program. The more » format of this report is basically the same as that of previous years.

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The purpose of this report is to present our work in a brief form, but with sufficient depth to provide an overview of the analytical and experimental aspects of the LLNL Inertial-Confinement Fusion (ICF) Program. It should be noted that the report, of necessity, is a summary, and more detailed expositions of the research can be found in the many publications and reports authored by staff members in the Laser Program. In the 1983 Laser Program Annual Report we present the accomplishments and unclassified activities of the Laser Program at Lawrence Livermore National laboratory (LLNL) for the year 1983.

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Original copy available until stock is exhausted Country of Publication: United States Language: English Subject: 70 PLASMA PHYSICS AND FUSION TECHNOLOGY 74 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR PHYSICS 42 ENGINEERING INERTIAL CONFINEMENT RESEARCH PROGRAMS LASER TARGETS COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN FABRICATION LASER-PRODUCED PLASMA NOVA FACILITY X-RAY LASERS LAWRENCE LIVERMORE LABORATORY LEADING ABSTRACT ABSTRACTS CONFINEMENT DOCUMENT TYPES LASERS NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS PLASMA PLASMA CONFINEMENT TARGETS US AEC US DOE US ERDA US ORGANIZATIONS 700208* - Fusion Power Plant Technology- Inertial Confinement Technology 640304 - Atomic, Molecular & Chemical Physics- Collision Phenomena 640305 - Atomic, Molecular & Chemical Physics- Atomic & Molecular Theory- (-1987) 420300 - Engineering- Lasers- = , Publication Date: Research Org.: Lawrence Livermore National Lab., CA (USA) OSTI Identifier: 6283333 Report Number(s): UCRL-50021-84 ON: DE86005297 DOE Contract Number: W-7405-ENG-48 Resource Type: Technical Report Resource Relation: Other Information: Portions of this document are illegible in microfiche products.

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